
Join an immersive incubator to explore authentic expression and deepen connections with fellow evolutionaries.

Keri Shinn

Keri’s particular flavor of wisdom comes from parenting, self-directed learning, land-based and virtual community stewardship, the feminine process of creation, masculine-feminine dynamics, and worldschooling. She and Jon, married for over 20 years, delight in raising their four children in full partnership with life.

Jon Shinn

Jon’s experience ranges from executive leadership and start-ups, poetry and consulting, freediving, worldschooling and intentional communities. His work explores the masculine process of creation, non-pyramidal/distributed leadership structures, self-organizing systems, and the developmental gifts of mid-life.

Ruben Alvarado

Ruben lives and breathes network weaving, and brings the Agile Learning principles and practices alive in diverse contexts including Futbol Infinito, Agile Communities, and training and consulting for The Agile Learning Network. He spent the last decade living “in the gift” - offering his gifts where inspired without expectation of anything in return. He resources himself through vision quests, Original Play, conscious relationship, the Presence process, breathwork and the Wimhof method.

photo of white staircase
photo of white staircase

3721 Single Street
Quincy, MA 02169

