
Find out ways to support the incubator to explore authentic expression and deepen connections with fellow evolutionaries.

The Gift Ecology & Financial Participation

This incubator flows within a Gift Ecology, meaning:

  • No fixed price exists for participation.

  • Facilitators and coherence holders and support teams offer this as a gift to those who feel called.

  • The invitation exists for participants to receive fully and let gratitude move through them into the world in whatever form feels alive.

As we make every attempt to minimize financial costs and maximize the gifts of our contexts and networks, we will share all the costs incurred transparently, and hold them in a distributed way, ensuring that all those who co-respond to this call can participate, regardless of financial means.

Ways to Support

This experience thrives because of the network of support that holds it. Whether you feel called to offer wisdom, logistics, resources, or amplification, your contributions enrich the depth and integrity of this container.

Below are the ways you can weave into this gathering:

If you have other gifts not listed here which you feel inspired to offer, please reach out to discuss.


3721 Single Street
Quincy, MA 02169

